четверг, 9 августа 2012 г.

Moscow State University of Design and Technology (MSUDT)

EEE on http://eeeducation.org - an association that includes Russian and Ukrainian universities, the main purpose of which is to increase their competitiveness in the international education market.
It includes more than 50 universities from different countries, Ukraine and Russia. In this article we'll discuss one of them.
Moscow State University of Design and Technology (MSUDT) - this is one of the oldest universities in Russia. It was established in 1930 as the Polytechnic Institute of the leather industry for the preparation of highly qualified specialists for the leather and shoe sectors of light industry. Throughout its existence, he changed his name several times. The University has a state license, and has been repeatedly awarded state prizes in various fields. To date, the staff of the university has about 6000 people. Following the research staff of the University found that every year scientists from the University publish 250 scientific articles, reports and theses. Carried out a successful preparation of doctoral students and graduate students in nine different specialties. Sufficiently high level of scientific and methodical work provides university leadership position in the field of light industry, and allowed the head was created in 1990 Educational Methodological Association (UMOLegprom).
The university has more than four thousand students, including those from other countries. For these students at the university has a 16-story dormitory on campus, designed for 900 people. The hostel has a computer room, storage, kitchens, and new two-bed rooms. Student Council organizes various permanent sporting and entertainment events for which any student can come.

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