пятница, 21 сентября 2012 г.

Tomsk Polytechnic University

EEE on http://eeeducation.org - an organization which includes the universities of Russia and Ukraine, whose main objective is to increase competitiveness of the international education market. It includes more than 50 universities from different cities of Ukraine and Russia. This article will discuss one of them.

Tomsk Polytechnic University - the oldest technical university in the Asian part of Russia. It was founded in 1896, opened in 1900, was originally called the Tomsk Technological University. The main university building was built in 1896-1902 by the architect RR Marfelda. In the creation of the Institute, and especially in its chemical unit took part D. Mendeleev. In 1923 it was renamed the Siberian Technological University (STI). In 1944 it was renamed to Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. In 1991 he received university status and the name of the Tomsk Polytechnic University.

To date, college is a highly developed infrastructure, consisting of six research and educational institutions, 3 faculties, 100 departments, 68 research laboratories and 17 research and education centers.
The university has about 22,000 students from 30 countries in 41 specialties, of which 105 graduate students.

Highly developed culture, sports and tourism. On campus, which is 282 km2, a museum complex, a number of sports clubs, and for those who are professionally interested in sports in a sports technical club "Polytechnic".

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